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Contributions of Experimental Archaeology to Excavation and Material Studies


The second meeting of the International Conference on Archaeometallurgy (ICA II) proposes to open its research field to all disciplines making use of experimental research with the goal of improving archaeological excavation techniques and the understanding of archaeological sites. This conference will present a range of varied subjects related to the discovery of structures identified in excavation.


The first conference (ICA I) resulted in the foundations for a methodology, allowing experimental archeology to be a scientific research tool in its own right. Following these reflections, we hope that the participants, in their presentations and experiments, will also define and highlight the methodology they practice. During this second symposium, the aim is to illustrate the contribution of experimental reconstructions to the understanding of excavation sites.


The organisers will be delighted to welcome you for the three day conference and four days of experimentation.


- Museum of Art and History, Brussels – section of Egyptian Antiquities

- Laboratoire Archéomatériaux et Prévision de l'Altération : LMC IRAMAT UMR5060 CNRS et NIMBE UMR3685 CEA/CNRS

- Sorbonne Université Lettres - CNRS Orient & Méditerranée (UMR 8167), équipe Mondes Pharaoniques

- Université MSH Paris-Saclay

- KU Leuven - Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

- Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

- Mines d’argent des Rois Francs de Melle


The theme of the conference: 


During the conference, the speakers will present the archaeological sites around which they perform experimental archeology. This conference will further create a meeting place and establish a dialogue between researchers to create new interdisciplinary synergies, particularly inviting teams who would like to start an experimental approach in their research.


Egyptological day: 25 September 2019


The first day will be dedicated to the Egyptian and Sudanese world, in connection with Sorbonne University and UMR 8167 of the CNRS (Orient & Méditerranée, Pharaonic Worlds team), which has long been involved in an experimental approach on the sites of Ayn Soukhna and Wadi el-Jarf. The very rich Egyptian and Sudanese archaeology fall within the research scope of the organizers of this conference. Experimental archaeology there is in full development, as part of a more broadly renewed interest on the history of production techniques, urban archeology and the archeology of everyday life. On the site of Bouto, led by the University Paris Nanterre, Archeology and Sciences of Antiquity (ArScAn, UMR 7041), experimentation was started in 2018 in collaboration with LAPA. The processing of gold is approached experimentally by the Archaeological Mission of the Oriental Desert - IRAMAT - Institute of Research on ArcheoMaterials - CNRS UMR 5060 IRAMAT-CEB.


Thematic days: 26 and 27 September 2019


The next two days will focus on methodological aspects, excavation missions outside Egypt or Sudan, specific themes and research carried out by laboratories, including LAPA as main actor at MSH Paris-Saclay University.


Experimental days: 28 September to 1 October 2019


Four days of experimentation will take place at Melle, at the experimental platforme of the Silver Mines (Mines d’Argent).



Preparation of the experimental days


Three weeks in Melle will allow for the preparation of experimental structures and to develop a series of protocolised experimentation.


Experimentation session: 15 June to 6 July 2019


Before the conference and experimental days, an experimentation session will be held at the experimental platform of the Silver Mines under the aegis of MSH Paris-Saclay and with the assistance of the DRAC Nouvelle-Aquitaine. This will provide the necessary time for the preparation of the experiments and their development.

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